Thursday 5 July 2012

Beer or carbonated soft drink, which is better?

Beer and soda are two of the most popular and unhealthy beverages available today. They’re both associated with a long list of health risks. In fact, experts warn that in choosing which one is worse is a matter of determining the lesser of two evils.

Beer and carbonated soft drinks are two of the most popular beverages available today. For decades, Nigerians have been drinking just as much beer as carbonated drinks.

Carbonated drinks consumption is even much more in  students. In fact, many people take carbonated drinks more than water. Needless to say that majority of people who take carbonated drinks do so for various reasons.

Carbonated soft drink consumption has become a highly visible and controversial public health and  policy issue.

They are viewed by many as a major contributor to obesity and related health problems and have consequently been targeted as a means to help curtail the rising prevalence of obesity, particularly among children.

Unfortunately, carbonated soft drinks are just as dangerous to health as smoking cigarettes or alcohol. Experts say that emerging science on the addictiveness of sugar, especially combined with the known addictive properties of caffeine in many sugary beverages, makes carbonated drinks as addictive as tobacco products. Its addictive nature and sugar content also makes it as unhealthy as alcohol.

Sugar is highly addictive and can cause blood sugar fluctuation, mood disorders, poor digestion, suppressed immunity, weight gain,  tooth and bone decay. The effects of excessive sugar consumption can even lead to deadly diseases such as heart disease and cancer on the long run.

Drinking just two cans of carbonated soft drink a day has been found to cause severe long-term liver damage, a condition that normally results from chronic alcohol abuse. This, abuse if not checked, can lead to victims needing a transplant because  of the liver’s inability to  process the huge amount of sugar.

Too many soft drinks can potentially cause diabetes and heart damage as well as being a major contributor to obesity. Diet drinks is not an exception either. Diet drinks in particular have been shown to lead to excess weight gain  even though they have fewer calories than regular carbonated drinks, they can trigger the appetite to eat more.

Beer and carbonated soft drink are both a significant cause of the poor health that has become so prevalent today. Does it really matter which one is worse? It is like trying to choose between cancer and heart disease.  If one must know which is worse, then compare the health of a long term alcoholic to the health of someone who has a long history of excessive soda consumption. They are both likely to be suffering from poor health and disease. So there is no need choosing between the disadvantages when it is possible to avoid them.

If you’re going to indulge in the consumption of soft drinks or beer, simply choose whichever one will give you the most enjoyment, consuming them in moderation, while keeping in mind that even though both is taken in moderation, it will still come at a cost.

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