Monday 11 June 2012

Three foods which protect us from cancer

Ideas for breakfast and a healthy lifestyle

Because it's Thursday morning and we need a hearty breakfast to successfully face the week ahead, here are three foods which, according, not only gives us a great dose of energy, but reduces the risk of cancer by substances they contain and the fight against the development and growth of cancer cells.

Three ideas for breakfast, simple but healthy!

1. Sesame Seeds: present in almost every kitchen, but so rarely used, sesame seeds will give a special flavor your cereal or yogurt, providing you a high dose of vitamin E, an antioxidant, but also contributing natural lignans regulate hormonal balance and reduces risk of breast cancer or uterine cancer.
But above all, sesame seeds boost the immune system, bones and teeth, removes headaches, improve digestion and help regulate blood pressure. So, bring bag of sesame forgotten in the kitchen drawer and add a dash of health to your mornings!

2. Spinach: In addition to being one of the most valuable sources of iron, spinach it contains a significant amount of folic acid, which reduces the risk of uterine cancer or heart disease and vitamin B, which protects DNA and fight against the development of cancer cells. In a fresh pie in the morning omelet or simply raw spinach will help you start your day with a vengeance!

3. Papaya: if you adore the fruit, one of the best ideas for breakfast is to add a few pieces of papaya in the morning yogurt or coffee cup with perfumed. The secret? High content of lycopene, account representative of the carotenoid family, a great antioxidant responsible for the reddish color of papaya in fruit which, with another carotenoid found in abundance in the fruit - beta-cryptoxanthin, fight efficiently against free radicals and may even contribute to self-destruction of cancer cells. Papaya is therefore an extraordinary nature weapon against cancer, especially of the cervix.

Tasty ideas for breakfast!

And beyond all the benefits of these ideas for breakfast, what could be more pleasant and more suitable for figure than to start your morning with a platter of fruit, with cereals and yogurt salad seeds or soft?

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