Friday 15 June 2012

Best foods for mummy during pregnancy

The basic principles of healthy eating are the same before, during and after pregnancy -- plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Nevertheless, a pregnancy diet requires special attention to a number of nutrients, and the foods that contain them. Lack of folate, a B vitamin, in the diet may produce birth defects and calcium and vitamin D are important for mummy and baby -- for strong bones and teeth.

Avocadoes are an excellent source of folate, or folic acid, as well as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 -- which may also help with morning sickness as well as baby's development. Avocadoes go well on a whole grain roll, are more healthy than mayonaisse but high in calories, so use in moderation.

Eat your porridge!
Cereal, especially oats, are full of fibre as well as the B vitamins and iron. The bonus for oats is in their addition to muffins, cakes, biscuits, pancakes and even meatloaf. An ideal serving size is 3/4 cup. Fortified cereals are a good source of folic acid, as are leafy greens, citrus and dried beans and peas.

Milk the cow
Milk -- yoghurt and cheese -- give the calcium baby needs for strong bones and teeth and also ensure mummy's circulation and muscular and nervous systems run as normal. Daily calcium needs are about 1000 mg per day but pregnant teenagers may need 1300 mg per day. A cup of milk will contain about 300 mg.

Fish for vitamin D
"Fatty" fish, such as salmon and tuna, provide plenty of vitamin D. Like calcium, vitamin D helps build strong bones and teeth in the infant. Pregnant women need 600 IU of vitamin D daily and 85 g of salmon goes a long way (447 IU) to provide that. The rest can come from a cup of fortified orange juice, a few spears of asparagus or two cups of milk.

Nuts for minerals
Nuts are high in fat but of the kind that is good for you in moderation -- and the kind that boost's baby's brain. Nuts can go into salads and pasta dishes -- as well as meats and baked goods -- liberally if weight is going on slowly and moderately if weight gain is happening quickly.

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